Blackstone Resource Library

Please see below for documents that may help you better understand our services and help your patients. 

Please reach out to your local Physician Advisor for more information.

Blackstone's First Office

HST Comparison Guide

Understanding your options when it comes to Home Sleep Testing

MCT Comparison Guide

Understanding your options when it comes to Mobile Cardiac Telemetry

Snoring Kills

Snoring Kills

HST Patient Guide (English Version)

Helps patients understand next steps when you order a Home Sleep Test

HST Patient Guide (Spanish Version)

Helps patients understand next steps when you order a Home Sleep Test

MCT Patient Guide

Helps patients understand next steps when you order a Mobile Cardiac Telemetry Test

Skeleton Card

Graphic showing different symptoms a patient may experience and some medical coding information.

Skeleton Poster

Poster size graphic showing different symptoms a patient may experience.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of Sleep Apnea

Helpful graphic for patients to understand sleep apnea.

REASONS TO SCREEN - The cost of untreated Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a bigger health related risk and cost than you might have thought.


Sleep apnea check is a must in diabetes and hypertension.

REASONS TO SCREEN - Pregnancy risk with OSA

Sleep apnea poses risk of complications for pregnant women.

REASONS TO SCREEN - Atrial fibrillation and Sleep Apnea

Your heart and sleep apnea.

HST Prescription Form

Utilize this form to submit an order to Blackstone for a home sleep test.

MCT Prescription Form

Utilize this form to submit an order to Blackstone for a home mobile cardiac telemetry test.

MCT Brochure

Informational brochure for patients who will be completing a mobile cardiac telemetry test explaining how to complete the study.

Ring Info (Vol. 1)

Ring Flyer Info

Ring Info (Vol. 2)

More ring information.

HST Insurance List

Insurance List.

MCT Insurance List

Insurance List.

Getting Started - Ring Instructions ENGLISH

Instructions on how to start using the Ring App. (English Version)

Getting Started - Ring Instructions SPANISH

Instructions on how to start using the Ring App. (Spanish Version)